September 11, 2024


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Mary Sanchez: Hope for a healthy discussion | Columnists

Others called him “aggressively pro-abortion.”

Upon the announcement, Becerra tweeted:

“In Congress, I helped pass the Affordable Care Act. As California’s Attorney General, I defended it. As Secretary of Health and Human Services, I will build on our progress and ensure every American has access to quality, affordable health care — through this pandemic and beyond.”

The point at the end of the statement drew some better angels to stand up on Becerra’s behalf.

Catholic Health Association issued their support, in statements and in follow-up comments.

CHA noted that Becerra “has been a strong partner with CHA in defending the Affordable Care Act and for advocating for greater access to quality, affordable health care coverage for everyone, particularly the most vulnerable.”

Given the massive imprint of Catholicism on health care in America, the statement is noteworthy. One in every seven U.S. patients is cared for in a Catholic hospital, according to the association.

Sr. Mary Haddad, RSM, president and CEO of the association defined the support for Becerra to the National Catholic Reporter saying, “There have been so many political battles over the course of the past four years that we really have not advanced much in the area of health care. We know that no individual will have all of the same policy positions that we might have, but we have to find common ground.”