April 29, 2024


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What is the bidding/asking price?

Cos'è lo spread Bid-Ask e perché è importante? | Rankia: Comunità  finanziaria

To begin, when it comes to selling precious metals, there is no single median price when it comes to selling your bullion. The spot price of silver or any other precious metal includes ‘bid’ and ‘ask’ prices, which a reputable dealer will gladly show you so can how high or low the price the prices that a bullion dealer may offer at that time.

According to the bid and ask prices, trading costs for precious are determined by supply and demand. Market forces and influencers also set prices.

What exactly is the Bid-and-Ask Spread?

The bid/ask price is the most amount of money a dealer is willing to pay for your precious metals The spread is the difference between these two price quotes.

Spreads for electronic transactions include:

  • The spread price for gold is $0.81 if the bid price is $1141.25 and the ask price is $1142.06.
  • If the bid price for silver is $13.20 and the ask price is $13.28, the spread price is $0.08.
  • All other precious metals follow the same logic.

The size of this spread indicates the metal’s liquidity as well as the transaction cost. The narrower the spread, the more liquid the market at the time. High spread assets have lower liquidity.

When bullion dealers buy or sell silver bullion Brisbane, it is either above or below each of these prices, increasing the spread to which they are exposed.

Buying and selling physical metals

When dealers sell silver bullion, the price is determined by the ask price.

The dealer’s selling retail’ price equals the ‘ask’ price + a percentage markup (dealing charge) + a fabrication charge + operational costs + profit.

When a dealer purchases bullion from a customer, they must consider how quickly they can resell it.

  • If we are unable to sell something to another customer, they may sell it back to a refiner.
  • This is calculated using the ‘bid’ price and is as follows:
  • Refiner’s buy price =$’bid’ – % markdown – operational costs

How does this affect investors?

During periods of illiquidity or market turmoil, the bid/ask spread can widen dramatically because traders will not be willing to pay a price above a certain level, and people selling bullion may not accept offers below a specific level.

To investors, high spreads may be an indication of, risky, or attractive stages for an asset. Major fiat currencies are regarded as the most liquid assets to own because the spread in the currency market is one of the smallest in the world (one-hundredth of a percent) as long as high volumes of electronic, rather than paper money, are traded. Spreads on smaller liquid assets may be one or two percent of the value of the asset.  

Choosing the right asset to at the right moment can be good for bullion investors. Take advantage of low bid/ask spread. Always conduct your own research and due diligence and be clear about the dealer you want to sell silver bullion Brisbane to.